Mar 3, 2014

Samsung Galaxy S5 comes with premium app subscriptions worth over $500.

After powering the world's most retweeted tweet, Samsung has also revealed a suite of app-based upgrades that future GS5 owners will receive, free, alongside their new smartphone.

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Samsung uses Oscars stage to showcase Galaxy S5′s heart rate monitor.

Samsung's TV spot for the Galaxy S5 debuted during the Oscars

In case you had somehow missed the biggest smartphone announcement of 2014,

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Obama: We're building Iron Man

With so much going on, you might have missed it this week. But President Obama revealed details of this secret project and promised to "blast off" himself.

(Credit: CNN/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)

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Microsoft's latest stab at Apple: Macs are no good for weddings

If you're planning a wedding, says Microsoft in a new ad, the lack of a touch screen heralds impending disaster.

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Yummy! Google now lets you browse full restaurant menu in search results - Tech Times

China Chalet menu on Google Search results
(Photo : Tech Times | Google)
Google is moving into the territory of Yelp and Foursquare with a new search feature. It lets you browse through the full menu of most restaurants to help you decide

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