Mar 4, 2010

Alex Collier - Most authentic Contactee of Aliens

Hi Fellas,

Most of my friends dont know who Alex Collier is and whats so amazing about what he has to say about us as Human beings.

Well, I would like to introduce him as the most authentic CONTACTEE with aliens that I have come across. He is the humblest of people you can see around yourself. But the most amazing thing that I learned after seing this interview of his was Who we are as Humans and where we are going.

Alex has taken many risks to come out and talk publicly about the information that was given to him by the aliens.

This video had such a tremendous impact on me that my mind went through a paradigm shift after assimilating the information he put forward in this video. I was an atheist since my early childhood and until recent times. It was 9 months ago that I found this valuable video which changed my view about everything around us in this world. I have again started to believe in God and disbelief in other things (like the superpower governments of the world and the reality of the world around us).

I would encourage you guys to give this video a shot and post back your comments here.

Here is the video.
You can also watch from the Google videos site at the following link.


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