Mar 4, 2014

Apple 'most coveted smartphone brand' in developing world

For Brazilian consumers, trust in the brand is the next most important factor, and brand aspiration is key for Nigerian, Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese consumers.

“The race to emerging market consumers is truly underway after several announcements from handset manufacturers, content providers and notably Facebook – all of who are developing devices or mobile content specifically for consumers in these regions," said Marco Veremis, chief executive of mobile marketing expert Upstream, which commissioned the report.

"Only when each player truly understands the audience of each region – being able to answer the questions of ‘what’s affordable’, ‘what content do consumers want’ and ‘what functionality is preferred’ – will they be able to connect with the consumers they are trying to reach”.

The news comes after Apple launched the iPhone 5c in September 2013, which was seen by analysts as an attempt for Apple to break into emerging markets. However, the relatively high price of the iPhone 5c made it inaccessible to many people in the developing world.

Nokia, which has traditionally dominated mobile phone sales in emerging markets, last week announced the Nokia X, aimed at developing world users who are hoping to purchase their first mobile phones.

Meanwhile, Samsung, which offers a wide range of devices at different price points, supplied roughly half of the smartphones sold in Africa last year. The company hopes to double its smartphones sales in Africa in 2014.

App stores are also popular in emerging markets, according to Upstream’s research, which reveals that 40 per cent of users access content via Google Play and 28 per cent via Apple’s App Store. However, many users expressed frustration at the high levels of promotional messages and the lack of payment methods offered when purchasing content.

With many emerging market consumers not having access to credit cards, it will be the app stores that cater to all payment methods that will achieve widesprbrazilead success, according to Veremis.

“The device challenge has now diffused to the app stores as consumers in emerging markets want localised content that they can pay for by different methods," he said.

"This is where we see the dominance of relationships with local operators who have built up the trust and mutual understanding that bigger players have not yet developed – including the ability to offer personalised content, recommendations and flexible payment via their normal mobile billing."


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