Mar 3, 2014

Microsoft's Nadella Said to Shake Up Staff With Penn Appointment

Microsoft Corp. (MSFT:US) Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella, who replaced Steve Ballmer last month, is realigning manageme
nt (MSFT:US) and appointing Executive Vice President Mark Penn to the new role of chief strategy officer, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. 
Tony Bates, who was passed over for the CEO role, is leaving the company, with Eric Rudder, who runs advanced strategy, taking on his duties, said two people familiar with the changes, who asked not to be identified because they haven't been announced. Tami Reller, the executive vice president in charge of marketing, is also leaving and being replaced by Chris Capossela, the people said. 
Nadella was appointed CEO in February after a five-month search, and is tasked with speeding up a turnaround at the world's biggest software maker. The shakeup follows last month's announcement that hardware group chief Julie Larson-Green will move to the applications and services unit. 
Frank Shaw, a spokesman for the Redmond, Washington-based company, declined to comment. 
The departures of Bates and Reller were previously reported by the Re/code blog.


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